When can events be scheduled?
You can set up an Event Type / Calendar to be open for an indefinite amount of time for bookings, or restrict to a specific timeframe / date range.
Under the 'Booking Options' section within the Calendar Editor, you will find the When can events be scheduled? drop down.
Here you have 3 x options:
1) Indefinitely
2) Over a date range
3) Over a period of rolling dates
Here's what each means:
1) Indefinitely: this allows Guests to book a meeting or appointment with you on any date depending on your set availability.
2) Over a date range: this allows you to specify a date range when you are available for bookings. This could be set to one week, which will restrict Guests to booking slots within that specified week only.
3) Over a period of rolling dates: this will allow you to restrict how far out Guests can book meetings and appointments with you. If, for example, you select 30 days, then from today up to 30 days out, Guests can book a slot with you based off your set availability. This rolling days moves each day to maintain the timeframe you have set.